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Students applying for a Dutch-taught Master's programme must show proof of the language requirements of the Graduate School of Humanities. You can meet the requirements either automatically (based on your previous education), by taking an officially approved language test or by being granted a formal exemption.

Applying for a English-taught programme? Check the English language requirements.

Automatic exemptions

The following documents are accepted as proof of sufficient proficiency of Dutch language. If you have obtained any of these documents, please upload these in MyInfo.

The Netherlands
  • havo diploma with at least a grade of 6 for Nederlands or a vwo diploma, OR
  • Dutch-taught hbo Bachelor's programme, provided this is proven by an official statement, transcript of records, or diploma issued by your home institution, OR
  • Dutch-taught Bachelor’s degree from a Dutch academic university, provided this is proven by an official statement, transcript of records, or diploma issued by your home institution
  • Flemish Community’s Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs
  • Abitur with Niederländisch as Prüfungsfach or Leistungsfach
  • University Zwischenprüfung Niederländisch
  • vwo diploma from Suriname, 
  • propedeuse diploma (Anton de Kom Universiteit)
  • havo with a hbo propedeuse
The Netherlands Antilles and Aruba
  • vwo diploma or any diploma from a Dutch institute of higher education
United Kingdom
  • British General Certificate of Education (GCE) with an advanced level (A-level) in Dutch
  • International GCE with First Language Dutch
Other diplomas

Dutch Language test requirements

Unless your previous education exempts you (see above), you will need to submit a copy of your official Dutch language proficiency certificate as part of your application in MyInfo before the application deadline.

Formal exemption request

If you have serious reasons to believe you should be exempted from taking an official Dutch language test, you will need to file a strongly motivated, official exemption request at the Graduate School of Humanities’ Examinations Board. 

Follow the steps below if you wish to officially request an exemption for the Dutch language requirement of the Graduate School of Humanities:

  1. Officially request exemption at least 1 month before the official Master’s programme application deadline, to allow the Examinations Board enough time to review your request.

    Master's programme deadline: 1 March 2024
    Exemption request deadline: 1 February 2024

    Master's programme deadline: 15 May 2024
    Exemption request deadline: 15 April 2024
  2. Upload sufficient documentation to support your case in the exemption request. If you fail to upload sufficient supporting documentation, your request for exemption will be denied.  
  3. DO NOT submit an incomplete (i.e. lacking proof of Dutch language proficiency) Master’s application. Incomplete Master’s applications are rejected.
    If you are granted a waiver for the Dutch language proficiency requirements, submit your MyInfo application including proof of your granted waiver before the Master’s application deadline.

Exemption requests may take up to 4 weeks to process.  Please note that:

  • Your Master application will not be processed until the exemption request has been finalised. It is the student’s own responsibility to arrange a timely exemption request.
  • If you have taken multiple Dutch language tests, and on each of these tests you do not meet the required scores for different components, this will not be considered as sufficient proof of language proficiency.
  • If you are granted a formal exemption, upload the email on your MyInfo page as soon as possible.

Preparing abroad

To find information about preparing for the NT2-II Dutch language proficiency exam in your own country, please visit the Study in Holland website.