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If you have been (conditionally) accepted to the Master's programme you have applied for, you can see all the steps you must take to finalise your enrolment in the Enrolment Checklist in SIS.

The items on the Enrolment Checklist depend on whether you have been accepted to a Master's or a pre-Master's programme.

  • Enrolment Checklist Master's programmes


    The Central Student Administration needs to verify your proof of ID. You will receive an email from SIS with instructions on how and where to upload your ID.

    Student card

    A student ID card is a personal card which serves as proof of identity for examinations or borrowing library books. You will receive instructions on how to request your student ID card via email. 

    Residence permit

    If you are an international student, you will need to arrange a variety of practical matters before starting your studies, such as your visa and/or residence permit. You will receive an email with more information about this after you have been conditionally admitted.

    More on visas and permits

    Admission to the Master's programme  

    You need to meet the conditions set in your conditional acceptance letter in order to receive your decision on admission to the Master's programme from the Central Student Administration. 

    Tuition fees 

    Pay your tuition fee via Studielink. For more information on fees, see our tuition fees page or contact the Central Student Service Desk

  • Enrolment Checklist pre-Master's programmes


    The Central Student Administration needs to verify your proof of ID. You will receive an email from SIS with instructions on how and where to upload your ID.

    Student card

    A student ID card is a personal card which serves as proof of identity for examinations or borrowing library books. You will receive instructions on how to request your student ID card via email. 

    Admission to the pre-Master's programme

    You need to meet the conditions set in your conditional acceptance letter in order to receive your decision on admission to the pre-Master's programme from the Central Student Administration. 

    Admission to the Master's programme  

    If you have been (conditionally) accepted to the pre-Master's programme, you will not be admitted to the Master's programme in the current year. Therefore, this item will remain open.

    Admission to the Bachelor's programme

    If you obtained your previous education in the Netherlands, an item 'Admission to the Bachelor's programme' may appear. This is because we need to verify your diploma, and a Dutch vwo or hbo degree automatically grants access to the Bachelor's programme. No action is required on your end. A check mark will appear once your vwo or hbo diploma has been verified by the Central Student Administration.

    Tuition fees 

    Pay your tuition fee via Studielink. For more information on fees, see our tuition fees page or contact the Central Student Service Desk

Once you have completed all the checklist items, you will receive your Proof of Enrolment (in Dutch: Bewijs van Inschrijving) from the Central Student Administration.