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In order to become unconditionally admitted to your (pre)Master’s programme, you need to undertake a number of steps so that you are allowed to start the (pre)Master’s programme in September. The deadlines to submit proof of graduation vary depending on your nationality and where you have obtained your previous education.
  • Bachelor's degree at the UvA

    Information on applying for your degree certificate can be found on this page at Make sure you apply for your degree certificate before 1 July.

    You must graduate from your (Bachelor's) programme by 31 August at the latest. The Admissions Office will manually check whether you have graduated during August. You do not have to do anything for this. Once this has been checked, your conditional admission will be converted into a definitive admission.

    If you already hold your degree, you can also inform us of your graduation by using the form below, so that we will be able to verify it.

  • Bachelor's degree in the Netherlands

    If you will obtain or have obtained your Bachelor's degree at a Dutch university, you don't have to submit certified documents to show proof of your graduation. You do need to inform us about your graduation via the form below, so that we will be able to verify it.

    The deadline to inform us of your graduation is 31 August 2024. So make sure you have taken the right steps with your educational institution to officially graduate well before this deadline. If you fail to do this, if you do not graduate before 31 August and/or if you have not submitted the above form before 31 August, your application will not be finalised and you will not be able to start the Master's programme.

    It may take several weeks for your university to register your graduation. Have you completed all courses of your Bachelor's programme, but is your graduation not yet registered? Then we also accept a graduation statement, sent by an official representative of your university. They can send a graduation statement to: You can also send a copy of a graduation certificate certified by your home institution to our postal address.

    Without proof of graduation, your enrolment cannot be finalised and you will not be able to start your (pre-)Master’s programme in September.

  • Non-Dutch Bachelor's degree

    Deadline for submitting proof of graduation: 1 August 2024

    If you obtain or have obtained your Bachelor's diploma at a non-Dutch university, you need to submit the following certified documents before 1 August:

    • Certified copies of both your original and translated higher education diploma(s).
    • Certified copies of both your original and translated final transcript(s).

    If your diploma will not be issued before the stipulated deadline of 1 August, you can submit a graduation statement instead. In this graduation statement, your university needs to declare that you have fulfilled all graduation requirements and have graduated from your (Bachelor's or Master's) degree programme, stating your exact graduation date. This graduation date cannot be later than 31 August 2024. The document should be on official letterhead of your home institution and has to contain the following information:

    • First (given) name and Last name;
    • Date of birth;
    • Country of birth;
    • Current Bachelor’s education;
    • That you have completely fulfilled all graduation requirements from your Bachelor’s and/or Master’s programme;
    • Firm graduation date (note: this has to be any date before 1 September 2024. ‘Expected’ or 'provisional' graduation dates are not accepted);
    • Stamp and signature from a representative of your home institution.

    Please note: You have to send in certified documents of all previous (Bachelor and/or Master)degree programmes that you applied with.

If you do not graduate before 31 August, or if you fail to show proof of graduation before the stipulated deadline (1 August for non-Dutch previous education; 31 August for Dutch previous education), your application will not be finalised and you will not be able to start the Master's programme in September.

What is a certified document?

A certified copy is an official copy of the original document with an original stamp and signature of a representative of your home institution or a notary. This is therefore not the same as a photocopy of a certified document. Please do not send us the original documents, as we are not responsible in case any documents get lost in the process. Furthermore, we are not able to return you the documents you sent. Transcripts, diplomas and graduation statements (if applicable) in any language other than English, Dutch, French or German should be submitted in their original language along with an official and certified translation made by a sworn translator.

How to submit your certified documents

Make sure that we receive the certified copies of your documents well before the deadline that applies to you. Once your documents have been processed and accepted, a checkmark will appear next to ‘Accepted to the (pre-)Master's programme’ in your Enrolment Checklist, and you will receive your letter of official acceptance to the (pre-)Master’s programme. 

Important: Documents uploaded directly to your MyInfo are not checked, verified or accepted. Please only use the options mentioned below.

  • Through a secure portal

    We accept certified documents sent to us through a secure portal, such as: Parchment, Digitary, Hear, E-Script, Gradintelligence, CSSD (formerly CHESICC), etc. You can send these documents to the following e-mail: Please note: we can only accept certified documents sent by students if they are submitted through a secure portal.

    Unsure whether your university's secure portal is accepted? Contact us.

  • Via email

    We accept certified documents sent to us by an authorised official at your home institution (such as the Registrar’s Office).
    Documents should be sent to

    Important:  We do not accept digital documents sent to us by students and/or from a student email address.

  • Hard copies

    If you are not able to send us your certified documents digitally in the manners described above, you can send us your certified graduation statement, diploma and final transcript of records by post:

    University of Amsterdam
    Graduate School of Humanities, Admissions Office
    PO Box 93055
    1090 BB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Please note that certified documents sent via registered post or courier cannot be sent to our PO Box.  If you are sending your certified documents via registered post or courier, use this address instead:

    University of Amsterdam
    Graduate School of Humanities, Admissions Office
    Turfdraagsterpad 15-17
    1012 XT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    If your documents are not properly certified (for example plain photocopies), we cannot accept them.