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It is important that you register for the first-semester courses of your programme, during the course registration period in June. You need to register for courses even if you have not received an admission decision yet. Placement in all mandatory courses is guaranteed if you register within the course registration period.

Admitted to a pre-Master's programme

If you have been admitted to a pre-Master's programme, you do not have to register for courses. The programme structure is fixed and the Education Desk will add you to all courses before the start of the academic year. The courses will show up in the Course registration overview in SIS by the end of August.

As a pre-Master's student, it is not possible to register for additional courses apart from the pre-Master's programme.

Admitted to a Master's programme

If you have been admitted to a Master's programme, you will not be placed in the course automatically. You will need to register for the courses during the course registration period in June. Placement in compulsory Master’s courses is guaranteed. Information on how to register for courses will be sent to you via email.

No decision yet?

If you have not received an admission decision by the start of the course registration period, it is important that you register for the Master’s courses nevertheless. If the admissions decision will determine whether you will be doing a Master’s or a pre-Master’s programme, be sure to register for the Master’s courses, or wait until you have received your admissions decision. You can still register for the Master’s compulsory courses after the official course registration period has ended, and your placement in them will still be guaranteed.