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The Horizon Fund is for Master's students already studying at the Graduate School of Humanities.

The Faculty of Humanities encourages to travel abroad and receive international exposure for academic purposes during their studies. Master's students studying at the Graduate School of Humanities can apply for a grant from the Horizon fund to finance their travels.


  • You are travelling abroad for one of the following reasons:  
    • Study
    • Work placement
    • Research
    • Fieldwork
    • Presenting a paper at a congress/conference
    • Summer or winter course
  • Your trip abroad has a clear academic purpose and is beneficial for your study.
  • You have obtained at least 60 ECTS in higher education (at the time of your departure).
  • You are enrolled as a full-time student at the UvA during your stay abroad.
  • You do not receive any grants or funds from the European Union whilst abroad.

For more information as well as the application form, see: