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Students registered as a Master's student at a Dutch university who would like to take one or more courses at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) need to register for the 'Elective' option ('bijvak' in Dutch) in Studielink and register as a guest student at the University of Amsterdam. Make sure you complete each of the following steps to be fully registered as a guest student.

Step 1: Register in Studielink for the 'Elective' option

First check in the Course Catalogue to which MA programme the course(s) you wish to take belong(s) (see: > Course > [select the course] > Is part of).
Find the corresponding Studielink programme name in the Studielink overview, and enter this programme name in the search field in Studielink. Select the programme option that is followed by Elective (in Dutch: bijvak).

Step 2: Send in official proof of payment

In order to be allowed to take courses as a guest student you need to prove that you are registered at another Dutch university and have paid the tuition fee. Apply for official proof of payment at your home university and send it to the UvA's Central Student Administration, Postbus 2760, 1000 CT Amsterdam.

Step 3: Full registration at the UvA

After you have registered in Studielink, the Graduate School of Humanities informs the UvA’s Central Student Administration that you have been admitted as a guest student via a statement of admission. This will finalise your registration with the UvA as a guest student. You do not need to undertake any other steps for this.

Step 4: Course registration

Registering for courses is done online during the course registration period.

Note: Your registration as a guest student at the UvA does not automatically mean that you can take the course you are interested in: you need to fulfill the entry requirements and there also needs to be enough spots in the course for guest students.

Step 5: Questions about course registration?

If you have questions about registering for a course, please contact the relevant programme administration. See > Course > [select the course] > Information, for the contact details of the programme administration. 

Step 6: Permission home university

You will need to ask your own university for permission to have the credits obtained at the UvA transferred to your degree. The programme administration can supply you with a transcript after you have passed the course.